The construction of TEEM, the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass, involves considerably more than the laying of 32 kilometres of motorway joining Melegnano on the A1 motorway to Agrate Brianza on the A4. The project also entails building from scratch 38 kilometres of much needed ordinary roads (provincial and municipal), as well as upgrading 15 kilometres of existing thoroughfares and the creation of 30 kilometres of cycle paths. Approximately €300 million has been allocated to these “ancillary works”, however neither the central government nor local administrations are able to provide such funds despite the failure to modernize the Greater Milan transport network significantly reducing the competitiveness of local businesses.
Thus, TEEM needs to be seen holistically, both as a project that will effectively rationalize ordinary traffic flows, and as a project that will generally improve the environment in the south eastern part of the Greater Milan Area. The ancillary road network will be available free of charge to locals and commuters, who have been looking forward to just such development for at least forty years, and regard such work as every bit as vital as the Bypass itself or, indeed, the BreBeMi and Pedemontana Lombarda motorways. Such works are no less important than the main Bypass and will only require a relative investment from the public purse since, like TEEM, they will largely be financed privately. Indeed, private investment will effectively fund the upgrade of the ordinary transport infrastructure in the Milan, Lodi and Brianza areas. Moreover, TEEM and the ancillary works are not designed to extend the boundary of the City of Milan, eventually leading to numerous small centres being incorporated into the regional capital, but rather to reduce the excessive amount of traffic that passes through local towns and villages, instead of bypassing them.
This work covers about 2.7 km between Caponago (in the Monza-Brianza Province) and Pessano con Bornago (Milan Province), and is divided into two sections separated by a one-tier roundabout. The current “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road currently cuts a north-south line through the heart of Pessano con Bornago. The new layout includes an alternative to the “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road that goes around the centre of Pessano and links up with the two-tier Pessano con Bornago exit and thus TEEM. This entire project will require four roundabouts to be built. Three of these lie along the main section of road, linking up to the Pessano con Bornago exit, the “Masate-Gessate-Pessano” SP 216 road and the “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road, at the southernmost part. The fourth roundabout will be built where the current “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road will meet the new link road to the Pessano interchange and the “Caponago-Pessano” SP 215 road. An additional overpass is also being built to allow the latter road access to TEEM. Finally, a bicycle and pedestrian bridge will be built over the Alternative Route to the “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road to ensure a route connecting Caponago to the north with Pessano con Bornago to the south.
[/dropdown_box]This ancillary work hinges on Cambiago (Milan Province), involving the creation of an 800 m bypass around the town to offer an alternative to the existing “Gessate-Cambiago” SP 176 road. Two existing roundabouts will link the new road to the current SP 176 road. This project also entails the creation of an intersection with Via Orombella.
[/dropdown_box]Extending 1.2 km this project covers an area on the edge of the Villa Fornaci district in Gessate (Milan Province). The result will be a new bypass that goes around Villa Fornaci, offering an alternative to the existing “Padana Superiore” SP 11 road (old SS 11 road). The road will link into the existing road network via two roundabouts: one will be a new build, providing a link to the Alternative Route to the “Padana Superiore” along the Naviglio Martesana waterway; the other roundabout already exists, allowing access to the current “Padana Superiore” road. A roundabout will also be built to improve the section of the “Padana Superiore” road at the entrance to Villa Fornaci opposite the supermarket in that zone. Laying the Villa Fornaci Alternative will also necessitate altering the level of Via Manzoni and doing work on an access road to a parking lot that serves an underground station (M2 line in Milan).
This project is in Vignate, Melzo, Cassina de’ Pecchi, Gorgonzola and Pozzuolo Martesana (Milan Province). This alternative will be about 2.5 km long, forming part of a larger project to improve the capacity of the “Cassanese” SP 103 road. The final part of the Cassanese road will follow a sengly different route to the current one, passing outside Pozzuolo Martesana and linking up with a new junction on TEEM. This will push peak transit traffic away from the town centre. Two new intersections will link up other roads to the Alternative Route to the “Cassanese” SP 103 road. The first is a two level intersection to connect up to the “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road. The second provides a direct link between the Alternative Route to the “Cassanese” road and the town of Pozzuolo Martesana. The work will also require altering the height of Via Parini, between Melzo and Gorgonzola to include an overpass over the new “Cassanese” road and improving the intersection of the “Monza-Melzo” road and Via Germania through the creation of a roundabout.
This work will improve the intersection between the “Monza-Melzo” SP 13 road and Via Dossetti, which provides access to a manufacturing area south of Melzo. The aim is to improve traffic safety and flow, especially given the forecast increase in traffic due to this being a link to TEEM. Specifically, north-bound traffic should increase on the “Monza-Melzo” because of the improvement to the “Cassanese” SP 103 road and the Pozzuolo Martesana exit, and south, because of the Liscate junction.
[/dropdown_box]This involves a series of works along the SP 181 road, touching the towns of Merlino, Vaiano, Lavagna, Truccazzano and Comazzo (Lodi and Milano provinces). Along this narrow road, a number of bends will be widened to facilitate the movement of traffic in both directions. Where this is not possible, a number of lay-bys will be built, once again to create additional space for cars to pass. Four new pedestrian and cycle paths will also be built.
[/dropdown_box]The creation of a new 1.2 km link road will provide an improved route for vehicle traffic on medium and long-distance journeys. It will mean the town of Caleppio di Settala is bypassed, thus cutting through traffic and increasing average speed.
[/dropdown_box]This work involves the creation of the new Alternative Route to the SP 16 road. It will run to the west of Zelo Buon Persico, connecting to the existing road network with a roundabout. The aim is to reduce traffic in town on the SP 16 road by separating local traffic from transit traffic. It will require the creation of a new roundabout on the site of the existing roundabout between Via Dante and Viale Europa. The route and height of the SP 16 road will be altered to deal with the significant amount of traffic from the Paullese road and passing through Zelo Buon Persico. A new roundabout will be built on the SP 16 road for the intersection with the road to Casolate.
The SP 16-dir is an old road off the SP 16 road near Galgagnano that provides a direct link to Paullo and thus the Paullese road. It cuts through a farming area east of the Muzza Canal, touching on a few rural villages (Molinazzo, Muzzano and Cossago). The volume of traffic along this country lane is limited and it is only about six metres wide, with fairly sharp bends. The plan is, with the construction of TEEM, to improve the links between Paullo and Zelo Buon Persico by adding pedestrian and cycle paths along the SP 16-dir road between Muzzano and Paullo. The work will not solely focus on the cycle path, but also on improving the road by altering and widening some of the sharpest bends and adding lay-bys in other sections. The section through the village of Muzzano will be moved to the west, creating space for a cycle path along the Roggia Bertonica stream.
[/dropdown_box]This work focuses on an area to the north-east of Dresano. At present, the key road infrastructures are the Via Emilia, the Paullese and the “Pandina” SP 138 road, which are also key commuter roads. The plan is to build, to the east of Dresano, a new 1.5 km section of road, the Alternative Route to the “Sordio-Bettola” SP 159 road. It will start from the “Pandina” SP 138 road and go until about the “La Pimpi” farm in order to reduce traffic along the urban sections of the “Sordio-Bettola” road and to separate local and transit traffic. Roundabouts will be used to link the new road to the existing network, while an overpass will be used when the road meets the link road to Cascina Belpensiero.
[/dropdown_box]The focus here is a section to the south-west of Melegnano, touching the municipalities of Melegnano, San Giuliano Milanese, Vizzolo Predabissi, Cerro al Lambro (Milan Province) and, albeit ever so sengly, Sordio (Lodi Province). The traffic in this area along the secondary roads is notoriously congested because of the lack of a direct link, running outside the town, between the “Sant’Angiolina” SP 17, “Binaschina” SP 40 and “Via Emilia” SS 9 roads. Consequently, east-west traffic merely adds to the north-south congestion, especially in the actual towns of Melegnano and Vizzolo Predabissi, further reducing traffic circulation and safety, while increasing sound and air pollution. The goal is to separate local and transit traffic by creating a new route that, starting from the existing junction linking the Binaschina road to the A1 motorway (east of Melegnano), runs outside the various towns parallel to the A1 motorway until it links up with the Sant’Angiolina road north of Cerro al Lambro. After crossing the A1 motorway – alongside TEEM -, the River Lambro and the Milan-Bologna railway line, it will then join up with the Via Emilia road just north-east of the Sordio industrial area. A new junction will be built to replace the current intersection between the Via Emilia and SP 204 “San Zenone-Via Emilia” roads, at Vizzolo Predabissi. This will improve access to the new Milan Outer Eastern Bypass, especially via the Vizzolo Predabissi exit.
[/dropdown_box]Tavazzano con Villavesco is another infamously congested area because the traffic heading towards Greater Milan is effectively too much for the existing road network to handle. This project will create a new road that runs outside of Tavazzano and Villavesco, starting from the “Via Emilia” SS 9 road and heading north of the town across the “Casalmaiocco-Villavesco” SP 218 and “Villavesco-Cassino d’Alberi” SP 158 roads before returning to Via Emilia at kilometre 304.5. The goal is to create a road that separates transit and local traffic.
[/dropdown_box]The area covered by this project is in the municipalities of Paullo, Zelo Buon Persico (Milan Province) and Merlino (Lodi Province), east of TEEM. It has extremely high levels of commuter traffic heading towards Milan, resulting in widespread saturation of the current road network. This project will link TEEM to the Paullese road via a stretch of road between the Paullo exit on the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass and the Paullese road. Two roundabouts will have to be built: one just outside the motorway tollbooth and the other at Via IV Novembre.
[/dropdown_box]The work will involve building about 1.8 km, in two sections, and is designed to improve and increase safety along the SP 17 “Santangiolina” road in Caselle Lurani, Marudo and Castiraga Vidardo (Lodi Province). The purpose is to turn the “Sant’Angiolina” road into a medium and long-distance transit artery leading to the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass, via the Vizzolo Predabissi junction, or to the A1 motorway, via the Melegnano and Lodi exits.
[/dropdown_box]This project is designed to improve the links in this area by improving the “Paullese” SP 415 road and the Paullo interchange, at the edge of Merlino (Lodi Province). This link road will be about 1.4 km long and create a new route for medium and long-distance transit traffic seeking to bypass Marzano. This will reduce traffic on the town roads and increase average speed in the area. At present, traffic has to use the system of old provincial roads that will not have sufficient capacity to deal with the traffic flows coming on and off TEEM and the traffic increases likely with the improvements to the “Paullese” SP 415 road.
[/dropdown_box]The centre of Melegnano suffers from traffic congestion, often involving trucks. This project will cover about 1.3 km and will provide a new bypass road that can be used by traffic on medium and long-distance journeys that have no need to go into Melegnano. The current options for such traffic are the “Sant’Angiolina” SP 17, the “Binaschina” SP 40 and the “Via Emilia” SS 9 roads, but these are already used excessively and will be unable to handle the traffic generated by the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass (TEEM). The work will both create new sections of road and junctions (link to the Vizzolo Predabissi exit on TEEM and the Alternative Route to the “Sordio-Bettola” SP 159 road) and upgrade others (“Sordio-Bettola” SP 159 road). Roundabouts are the main way in which these roads will be linked into the existing road network.
[/dropdown_box]This work is in an area along the southern reaches of TEEM, largely in the Lodi province and the Sordio municipality. Covering 850 m,
the project involves work to ensure safety as the traffic passes through the town centre and to improve the flow of medium and long distance traffic that uses the local road network and, once TEEM is up-and-running, will get onto the Bypass at the Vizzolo Predabissi interchange.
The project has three main parts: (I) the upgrade of the “Via Emilia” SS 9 road, including improving safety along this stretch; (II) the creation of an additional slipway for the roundabout linked to Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to handle traffic coming from the north and ; and (III) deviating Via Don Gnocchi to link up with the Via Papa Giovanni XXIII roundabout.
This new roadway will be about a kilometre long, in the Casalmaiocco and Vizzolo Predabissi municipalities. It will provide a bypass road to allow medium and long-distance traffic to avoid the town of Dresano. It will link into the existing road network at the intersection of the “Pandina” SP 138 road and Viale Lombardia, and at the five-road roundabout planned for the “Sordio-Bettola” SP 159 road at the junction with Via Libertà.