The process for the approval of the Preliminary and Final Design of TEEM was marked by a continuous dialogue and exchange of views between the building consortium and local stakeholders and authorities. Between 2005 and 2007 the planning work suffered a setback as a result of opposition to the project from some municipalities. The main concerns related to the impact that the infrastructure would have on the lands directly in its path. To resolve the situation, on 5 November 2007 the Regional Government of Lombardy (Regione Lombardia) promoted the signing of ‘”Draft Agreement for the construction of the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass and for the upgrading of the roads of the eastern area of Greater Milan.” The important document was signed by the Region, the Provinces of Milan and Lodi, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde SpA, Anas SpA and by representatives of the 64 municipalities affected (directly or indirectly) by the work.
The aim of the Draft Agreement was to determine, on a consensual basis, the definitive route of the new motorway bypass and of the related new roads, and settle upon a new mobility scheme for the areas of east Greater Milan, Brianza and north Lodi. The Agreement also refers to other road works and the construction of cycle paths, for which the appropriate local authorities have responsibility. The Draft Agreement is the result of hundreds of round-table talks with local stakeholders, which continue to be held even during the construction phase. The intention is to build up consensus around the project and to maintain the practice of open discussion with all those affected by the new road throughout all phases of its construction.
Thanks to the boost to the local economy and to the improvements that a modern and free-flowing road network will bring to the environment, as well as to the extra jobs that first the construction work and then the operation of the road over the years will create, the territory should benefit. However, the new road needs to be properly integrated into the area it affects, the project needs to enjoy consensus and that the end result must satisfy the increasing demand for fast, safe travel throughout the Greater Milan Area.
Programme agreement
Programme agreement – Supervisory board [ita] – DOWNLOAD
Programme agreement – Attached document 2 [ita] – DOWNLOAD
Programme agreement – Attached document 3 [ita] – DOWNLOAD
Programme agreement – Attached document 4 [ita] – DOWNLOAD
Programme agreement – Attached document 5 [ita] – DOWNLOAD
Programme agreement – Attached document 6 [ita] – DOWNLOAD
Programme agreement – Attached document 7 [ita] – DOWNLOAD