Tangenziale Esterna SpA, in its role as the concession holder for the design, construction and management of the “Tangenziale Est Esterna di Milano” (Milan Outer Eastern Bypass or TEEM) pursuant to the Agreement signed with the grantor Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde SpA (CAL – Lombardy Motorway Concessions) on 29 July 2010, has drawn up the Final Project for TEEM and the related works.

This project was approved by the Interministerial Committee for Economic Programming (CIPE) with Decision no. 51 of 03/08/2011 (published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic on 03/03/2012 – general series no. 53), with instructions and recommendation, pursuant to Article 166 of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006 and pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 327/2011 and amendments, for the purpose of the public utility of the work. Fulfilment of the instructions and recommendations established by CIPE in the aforementioned decision, as received through the Conference of Services called by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, pursuant to Article 166, points 3 and 4, of Legislative Decree 163/2006, necessitated that modifications, improvements and additions be made to the TEEM project and the related works. These modifications, improvements and additions result in changes to the original expropriation plan and, thus, pursuant to Article 169, point 6, of Legislative Decree 163/2006 and amendments, it is necessary to receive approval for the parts of the project that have changed in order for the declaration of public utility to be made. New approval requires that the interested parties be notified once more, pursuant to the combined effect of Articles 169, point 6, and Article 166, point 2, of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006 and amendments.

Tangenziale Esterna SpA, in its role as the concession holder, was delegated by the grantor CAL SpA, in a note file with no. CAL-120312-00002 of 12/03/2012, pursuant to Article 6, point 8, of Presidential Decree no. 327/2001 and Article 27, point 1, of the aforementioned Agreement, to use all the expropriation powers covered by the procedures set out in Presidential Decree no. 327/2001. This includes the notification required by Article 166, point 2, of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006. Therefore, on 27/28 July 2012, Tangenziale Esterna SpA published in two Italian dailies – Il Sole 24 Ore and La Repubblica (national edition and Lombardy supplement) – the notification of the “Commencement of the procedure for the declaration of public utility in relation to the parts of the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass and the related works that are the subject of modifications, improvements and additions”.

The documents that constitute the amendment parts of the Motorway Link and the related work shall be available, for 60 (sixty) days from the publication date of this notification, at Tangenziale Esterna S.p.A.’s headquarters, where interested parties can see them, during working hours and provided an appointment has been made (call 02 87088466, Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm).

Documents and additional information can be found on the following websites: www.tangenziale.esterna.it; www.calspa.it (“TEEM” section); www.regione.lombardia.it (“Avvisi” section).

Milan, 27/07/2012

Chairman – Mr Raffaello Berardi, lawyer



Public Utility Declaration Update




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