The Tangenziale Est Esterna di Milano’s territorial information system is an Environmental Monitoring management system that enables all stakeholders involved in realizing the work – each according to their specific competencies – to promptly and effectively monitor changes in the quality of the environmental matrices associated with the realization and, in future, operation of this infrastructure work.

Environmental Monitoring is undertaken by a field Technical Operational Unit, an Environmental Oversight unit that supervises and audits work, and the general public, which may view the results of recorded data.

Different types of pre-established user profile access enable the TIS to be used to:

• Manage significant activities and check on the progress of operational programmes;

• Manage and evaluate data recorded, and compare/audit with reference thresholds;

• Publish data validated by the Environmental Oversight unit.

To facilitate reading and interpreting such data, TIS allows for consultation of the environmental monitoring plan directly from the map portal for the TEEM project through themed overlays.

From the map portal it is possible to query individual monitoring posts, view control environment characteristics, and consult the outcomes of surveys undertaken during different stages of implementing the Monitoring Plan (prior to the start of work, during work, and after work is complete).

A practical guide on how to use TIS is bundled with the application itself (under the “info” button on the toolbar).

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