The construction work on TEEM began on 11 June 2012 with the opening of the Truccazzano (MI) base camp. The first activities undertaken focused on the neutralization of any ordnance found in land under excavation and dealing with any conflicts with existing network infrastructures (such as telephone lines, pipelines and sewers). A few weeks after the opening of the base camp, the work was then extended along the entire route of the future Bypass with the setting up of a series of new construction sites. The first objective will be the opening to traffic of the so-called “Arco TEEM” section of motorway between SP 14 “Rivoltana” and SP 103 “Cassanese”, which is scheduled for spring of 2014 in order to ensure the full functionality of the new Brescia-Bergamo-Milan (“BreBeMi”) motorway by linking it to the system of bypasses and ordinary highways around Milan. In the meanwhile, construction activities are continuing at full pace along the 32-kilometres TEEM route, the aim being to have the entire motorway-grade bypass open to traffic in time for Expo 2015.
In parallel with the motorway-building, the Consortium of construction companies engaged on the TEEM project will also be giving effect to a series of other associated works planned for the area, which include environmental mitigation and compensation activities and the creation of a zero-impact transport network. The citizens and businesses in the Greater Milan Area can thus be assured that the new connecting roads will be made rapidly available, and that many of the extant roads whose high traffic volumes render them perpetually congested will soon be upgraded and improved.